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苹果CEO库克表示Apple music已有650万付费用户“云开·全站app登录app”


本文摘要:Apple Incs new music streaming service has netted more than 6.5 million paid users, the tech giants Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook said on Monday.苹果CEO库克周一称之为,苹果公司新的发售的音乐流媒体服务有数逾650万收费用户。

Apple Incs new music streaming service has netted more than 6.5 million paid users, the tech giants Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook said on Monday.苹果CEO库克周一称之为,苹果公司新的发售的音乐流媒体服务有数逾650万收费用户。Speaking at a technology conference organized by The Wall Street Journal in Laguna Beach, Calif., Cook said that an additional 8.5 million people are participating in a free trial of the Apple Music service. That gives it more than 15 million users in total, which Cook described as a successful debut.库克在《华尔街日报》于加州拉古纳海滩的组织的一次科技会议上回应,另有850万人正在免费试用苹果音乐服务。

两者相乘共计逾1,500万用户,库克称之为苹果音乐服务首秀顺利。Im really happy about it, and I think the runway here is really good, Cook said.“我回应十分失望,我指出我们现在的情况十分不俗”库克说。Released in June, Apple Music is the companys attempt to carry its dominance of digital music through its iTunes store into the era of music streaming pioneered by Spotify and others. Apple is allowing users to test its service with a 90-day free trial, which elapsed for the first users earlier this month.苹果于6月发售苹果音乐,意欲通过iTunes商店将其在数字音乐的主导地位伸延至由Spotify等企业所首创的音乐流媒体时代。

苹果音乐目前容许用户免费试用90天,首批用户的免费试用期限本月早些时候届满。Analysts have predicted that Apples service will find a strong following due to the vast installed base of iTunes users, but few think the iPhone maker will eclipse other music streaming companies. Spotify, the industry leader, has more than 20 million paid subscribers worldwide, the company has told Reuters.分析师们此前预测,鉴于iTunes用户的可观基数,苹果的服务将有大量粉丝,但没多少人指出苹果需要打破其他音乐流媒体企业。音乐流媒体行业领先者Spotify向路透回应,其在全球享有逾2,000万收费用户。



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