NASA announced this afternoon that it plans to launch a tiny, four-pound, autonomous helicopter along with its 2020 rover mission. And if you think this sounds relatively cool, well: youre right.今天下午美国国家航空暨太空总署(NASA)白鱼送来微型、大约四磅(3.6斤)的无人直升机已完成2020年的火星观测任务,如果你实在听得一起很棒,那就对了。The experimental, softball-sized drone would be the first airborne vehicle to fly around within Marss atmosphere other than the landers that have delivered other, ground-based rovers.这架垒球大小的实验无人机,不同于之前送往火星地表上探测仪,它被必要送往火星的大气层。In order to design a flying vehicle that would actually work on another planet, NASA scientists faced a number of chanllenges.为了使这家飞行器确实需要在火星上运营,NASA的科学家面临了一系列的挑战。
For example: the Red Planets particularly-weak atmosphere and the communication delay between ground control here on Earth and the rover.比如,火星的大气层十分的薄,而且探测器和地球上的掌控交流不会有所延时。Traveling at the speed of light, itll still take several minutes for any commands sent from Earth to reach the helicopter, so the flying rover will have to be at least partially autonomous as it provides scientists and other autonomous vehicles with the first long-term birds-eye view of the planet.尽管传送速度是光速,从地球上升空出有的信号抵达探测器的时候还是必须好几分钟,所以该探测器半自动化地向科学家和其他自动仪器长年获取火星鸟瞰图。
Also, the Martian atmosphere is practically non-existent. The air pressure at the planets surface is lower than it is at a helicopters maximum altitude when flying above Earth.加之,火星的大气层完全没不存在感觉,大气层的高度比观测机的横向高度比在地球飞行中时的最大值还要较低。In order to take off, the tiny flying robot needs to spin its two blades ten times faster - 3,000 times per minute - than it would on Earth while carrying batteries and other hardware crafted to be as light as possible.所以哪怕是飞行器装载最重的电池和硬件设备降落,两个螺旋桨的也要比地球起飞时扭矩慢10倍,超过每分钟3000并转。
When the rover arrives at Mars in February 2021, itll perform scouting missions to look for ideal landing zones on the surface, as well as scan the planet for signs of life, hazards that might matter to the future astronauts who finally venture to Mars.预计2020年2月抵达火星,通过在火星上极致降落来已完成可行性勘查工作,探查在火星上否有生命不存在迹象,以及未来宇航员登岸火星有什么危险性因素等问题。Itll also assist with the ongoing geology research currently underway by ground-based rovers.它还不会帮助现有陆地探测器来已完成地理研究。